Climate change causes severe violations of children's rights

Barnfonden works to create a safe and bright future for children who are affected by climate change.

The situation is acute in many parts of the world. Poverty and hunger are increasing due to climate change, conflicts and economic crisis. The children are the ones who suffers the most. You can be involved and make a difference for the most vulnerable.

Become a sponsor or monthly donor today. Together we save lives.

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Get involved

For a small amount per month, you give children education, better health, a safe upbringing and then the possibility of a stable livelihood.

As a sponsor of a sponsored child at Barnfonden, you support our work in an entire area. We ensure that children can go to preschool and school, have access to clean water, nutritious food, medicines, vaccinations and other health care. We improve families’ livelihood opportunities and create security in emergency situations.

Through letters and reports, you see how your support is beneficial and contributes to the development of your sponsored child and the entire surrounding society.

You can receive up to SEK 3,000 in tax reduction per year for gifts you give to Barnfonden.

About Barnfonden

Children as priority since 1991

Barnfonden was established in Malmö 1991 and is a non-religious and non-partisan child rights organization.

Member of ChildFund Alliance

As a member of the ChildFund Alliance, Barnfonden is one of twelve organizations who works with children and for children to strengthen their rights and to ensure their safety in a changing world. Everything we do we do for the children.

Holistic perspective with focus on education, health, and childrens safety

It is through a holistic perspective on children’s development that we carefully plan and carry out our work in close collaboration with children, families and other important actors who work for positive social change.

Regardless of the type of intervention, children’s rights, children’s safety, concern for the environment and climate as well as equality and inclusion are central parts.

Addresses the underlying causes of poverty

We address the fundamental causes of poverty and vulnerability, by creating conditions for self-help and sustainability. 356 million children live in extreme poverty (Unicef/World Bank 2020). Together we can change this and give them a better future.

  • As members in Giva Sverige (the Swedish Fundraising Assosiation), Barnfonden can use the quality label ” Tryggt Givande” (Giva Sverige – Quality Code). The label means that Barnfonden meets Giva Sveriges requirements regarding internal control and governance. The quality label means, among other things, that Barnfonden follows clear gudielines for annual reports, fundraising and impact reports.

  • 90-konto is a quality label which means that the organization is under independent control and review by the Swedish Fundraising Control. Swedish Fundraising Control is a non-profit association whose purpose is to work to ensure that public fundraising takes place under controlled forms with sound marketing and effective methods.

Focus areas

Barnfonden’s vision

Our vision is a sustainable world where children are listened to, cared for, and respected.

A world where every child can say:

– I am safe. – I am healthy. – I am happy. – I am educated. – I have a voice.


Barnfonden’s mission

Together with children, we create sustainable solutions that protect and advance their rights and well-being. We do this through partnerships, empowerment and a holistic approach.